
Your not-so-secret retention tool: Fun
Have you thought about adding more fun into your business for improved retention in our challenging employment market? Research shows that fun has a positive impact on engagement, creativity and retention.
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The latest on flexible working in 2022
It was the big pandemic shift but is flexible working here to stay? Read on for the latest developments, here and abroad.
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Employee Experience: key for retention in NZ’s labour market
To build your brand and enhance the employee experience in your organisation, make sure you ask your people how they feel.
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Employment Bytes July 2022
There’s been a lot of activity in the employment world law, make sure your business is prepared for the second half of 2022.
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Wellness equals retention
In a challenging, uncertain world, prioritising employee wellness makes sense for retention, business performance—and your people.
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Onboarding effectively, in a remote-working world
Effectively onboarding a new employee into your organisation has significant positive impacts for both the new hire, and your business.
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Employment News
Employment Bytes March 22
Essential reading on the latest New Zealand employment law updates.
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Putting the people back in People and Culture
Why building a people function in a way that is actually centred on people makes sense for business.
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